INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS Now the Quick and Easy way to install your STORM-II CDROM. You will be prompted along the way for different options. You will have the option to install VPIC or VUIMAGE, the choice is yours as to which you want. when you come to the PULLDOWN MENU system it will inform you that no config files exists. Go ahead and create it. You will be prompted for your cdrom drive letter select that also. All of the items will explain themselves in detail. Enough of this stuff so be on your way. Don't forget to register this Cdrom disk. Remove the paper inside your cdrom carrier and fill it out and mail it to the address on it. IF AFTER YOU HAVE INSTALLED THE MENU SYSTEM AND YOU HAVE PROBLEMS GETTING TO THE CDROM FROM THE MENU DO THE FOLLOWING 1. CHANGE TO YOUR CDROM 2. CHANGE TO SETUP SUB-DIRECTORY 3. RUN STORM2.BAT YOU MAY COPY THE STORM2.BAT TO YOUR C:\STORM2 DIR AND RUN IT FROM THERE FROM NOW ON